Leduc Minor Hockey Association Bylaws
LMHA Policies and Procedures - Updated September 2021
**NEW** LMHA Equipment Policy
Hockey Alberta Bylaws & Regulation
"Building positive values and skills for a lifetime"
"Building positive Values and life skills with quality leadership, by providing opportunities to develop, promote, and improve hockey in a positive environment for the children, volunteers,and parents in the community of Leduc."
We believe:
1. That the Association needs to operate with proper planning, clearly defined policies, procedures, and job descriptions.
2. That communication will be accurate, consistent, honest and open throughout our operations.
3. That the Association operates with financial and fiscal accountability and responsibility based upon the concept of value for the members.
4. That all children should have the opportunity to participate and have fun regardless of their skill level, gender or desire.
5. That all participants shall act honestly using care and common sense, and act in the best interest of the organization.
6. That a "Safety First" attitude should be incorporated into all aspects of the Association.
7. That all children are entitled to caring and qualified leadership in a positive environment.
8. That all participants should be treated with respect and in a manner that enhances self-esteem, and maintain dignity.
9. That participation in Leduc Minor Hockey Association will build life-skills through a quality work ethic, communication, learning to work as a team,and participation in decision making.
2024 Leduc U18 AA John Ferguson Evaluation Series
Leduc Recreation Centre
Dates: September 23rd - 29th 2024 Fee: $2,800 Accepting 18 Teams 4 Games - All round-robin